Entrepreneurs and city officials played a pivotal role in promoting the construction of primary treatment facilities. The need to cater to tourists with leisure dollars to spend and to keep the waterfront areas of cities clean and presentable led to the development of these facilities. One of the first such facilities was constructed in 1886 on New York's Coney Island beaches, and soon other cities with prominent waterfront areas followed suit.

Primary treatment facilities were simple in concept, yet highly effective. This practice of physically screening and settling out solids and floating debris was the first step in incorporating the wastewater treatment component into the urban water cycle. By 1909, about 10 percent of the wastewater collected by municipal sewer systems underwent some form of primary treatment.
The progress of primary treatment is an excellent example of how entrepreneurship can lead to innovative ways to solve environmental problems. Primary treatment's evolution into a comprehensive system of wastewater treatment is a testament to how entrepreneurs and city officials can work together to promote the greater good.
In conclusion, the primary treatment of water pollution has come a long way since its inception in the late 1800s. The development of primary treatment facilities was critical to reducing the concentration of contaminants entering urban waterways. It is heartening to see how entrepreneurship has led to innovative ways to solve environmental problems and promote the greater good. As we move forward, let us continue to work towards a cleaner and greener future.